vineri, 14 octombrie 2011

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But by the end of the 1920s the playwright had lost belief in the efficacy of art as an antidote to the atrociousness of our existence, and turned to philosophy, to which he devoted the remaining years of his life.

In philosophy a biological monadist (with annual free credit report Montgomery an affinity for Leibnitz), Witkacy recognized the Individual Existence of each and every monad, including those of animals (to whom he was particularly attached), and even of trees and plants.

From his point of view, the central philosophical issue was ontological. The problem of the one and the many (or unity in plurality in Witkacys formulation) took its characteristic shape from the directly given feeling of the unity of the personality on the part of each Individual Being (the I or annual free credit report Montgomery self) as it confronts the plurality of all that lies outside (the non-I or other).

These existential premises lead to a tragic sense of life, comprised of feelings of loneliness, consciousness of the accidental character of everything, recognition of the menace of nothingness, and bewilderment vis-a-vis an alien universe. Each of us is assailed by unanswerable questions, such as: Why am I precisely this being and not some other? In this place in infinite annual free credit report Montgomery space and at this instant in infinite time? Why does anything exist?These are the ultimate philosophical dilemmas posed in Witkacys dramas, which portray what he calls annual free credit report Montgomery the experiences of a group of degenerate ex-people in the face of the growing mechanization of life, who suffer from annual free credit report Montgomery loss of the metaphysical feeling of the strangeness of existence. credit card fraud protection

In the course of eight yearsfrom 1918 to 1926Witkacy wrote over thirty plays, but many actually remained unpublished and unperformed.

Of the seven plays annual free credit report Montgomery in this volume four were not performed in Witkacys lifetime, and three were annual free credit report Montgomery not even published. The launching of Witkacys career as a playwright coincided with the reconstitution of Poland as a nation. Although his family name may at first annual free credit report Montgomery have been an asset, Witkacy remained a annual free credit report Montgomery lonely and misunderstood figure whose flamboyant individuality created an adverse legend, In the annual free credit report Montgomery course of a few years he aggressively attempted to impose a radical new concept of the theatre and to put annual free credit report Montgomery his own dramas on stage as illustrations of his theory of Pure Form.

He annual free credit report Montgomery sent his plays to directors, visited companies, corresponded with theatre artists, and wrote provocative articles for the press. free credit report with score

His campaign was vigorous, and in the early 20s the playwright did achieve a certain notoriety as an eccentric outsider. But the obstacles that Witkacy faced were immense, the annual free credit report Montgomery result of social, political, and cultural conditions that arose in the aftermath of the war. When in 1918, as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Poland regain its independence, the country and its arts were no longer under foreign domination for the first time in 123 annual free credit report Montgomery years. Once the occupying forces were withdrawn and the country recovered its identity as a self-determining nation, Poland became post-colonial and, in the abstract, was free to annual free credit report Montgomery develop its culture as it wished. The Czarist bureaucracy, which had maintained and controlled all the theatres in the largest sector of the partitioned country (including Warsaw), suddenly dissolved overnight. During twenty years of precarious existence before disaster struck in 1939, Polish theatre enjoyed a brief but unstable interlude in which it was allowed to stand on its own and survive as best as it could. Since the government was too poor to subsidize theatres, the burden of financing fell on annual free credit report Montgomery the municipalities, but after the world-wide crisis of 1929, the situation grew desperate.

The annual free credit report Montgomery 1920s was a period of instability, financial crisis, and mounting danger and menace from political extremism. official free credit report The brief war with the Soviet Union in 1919-20, successfully waged by the strongman Marshall Jozef Pilsudski, intensified Polish fears of Russian Bolshevism. Censorship and government interference in the arts, previously wielded by foreign oppressors against an occupied nation, were now directed by Poles against other Poles, who could be accused of being Bolshevik or anarchist for simply engaging in any form of artistic experimentation.

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